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script [#1601]

Who is Chessgasms?

What do you do?

Hey there! Chessgasms, also known as Luke, streams Chess and other games on Twitch and Kick. We have a club, and we'd love for you to join us if you're interested! Luke really enjoys playing LIVE with viewers.

Make sure to join on Twitch and Kick, and you'll be able to face Luke on stream. 🙂

When do you stream?

Luke usually streams from 20:00 (UTC+00) to 00:00 (UTC+00). If you're in America or anywhere else where your schedule matches up with Luke's, you can jump in and enjoy all the fun! And don't worry if your time zone doesn't quite line up—you can still join in, and you definitely won't miss out.

If you can't tune in live, we have VODs on Twitch and Kick and also clips. 

Why watch Luke from all the rest?

Luke is a lively and welcoming streamer, making sure everyone feels like part of our community. Our streams are full of fun and laughter, so come and enjoy the good times with us!

Don't forget, you can always watch multiple streamers at the same time, if you really want to.